Mission and business goals (needs) by John Bandler Mission, business goals, and business needs are the top priority for every…
Privacy by John Bandler Privacy is important for every individual and every organization. Privacy threats include data breaches and companies…
Free Speech, the First Amendment, and Social Media (2) by John Bandler Here’s a primer on the First Amendment of…
Internal Rules Building by John Bandler This analogy to help assess and build organization internal rules can be useful for…
Internal Rules Planning by John Bandler Organizations need to create and update their internal rules as a matter of proper…
Rethinking the Rules Pyramid by John Bandler Let’s rethink the rules pyramid (“policy pyramid”) to conceptualize the relationship between policies…
Internal Rules by John Bandler “Internal rules” means any rule an organization creates for itself and its employees. Internal rules…
Bandler’s Fourth Platform to Connect by John Bandler Bandler’s Fourth Platform incorporates mission and business needs into the Three Platforms…
Business Basics and Law – An Introduction by John Bandler This article introduces some important legal considerations that apply to…
Rules by John Bandler We all have different perspectives on rules and here I break down my thoughts and put…