Chapter 21 resources for the Cyberlaw bookResources and Links for the book Cyberlaw: Law for Digital Spaces and Information Systems, by John Bandler

By John Bandler

This page has resources specific for this chapter.

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Chapter 21 Procedural cybercrime laws

Chapter references, resources, and additional reading

Chapter questions

  • Criminal procedure law is about the ___________ of investigating and prosecuting crimes. (One word)
  • What is a good prosecutor supposed to be motivated by, and trying to do, while investigating or prosecuting a case?
  • As you analyze a particular criminal case, what are some things you should first determine about that case?
  • Should cybercrime criminal investigations consider traditional crimes? Why?
  • What two traditional crimes should cybercrime investigators consider?
  • Name the primary federal cybercrime law (spell it out fully and provide the initialism)
  • Name another federal cybercrime law that has both substantive and procedural aspects (spell it out fully and provide the initialism)
  • Spend five or ten minutes reading the CFAA, and summarize your thoughts, what you learned, whether it was difficult, etc.
  • List the three parts of ECPA.
  • If you are a NY state prosecutor or investigator, can you charge federal crimes? Why or why not?
  • Is it likely that a cybercrime could be prosecuted by both federal and state law enforcement? Why or why not?

Links and information

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Originally posted 11/21/2024.  Updated 01/05/2025.