Chapter 24 resources for the Cyberlaw bookResources and Links for the book Cyberlaw: Law for Digital Spaces and Information Systems, by John Bandler

By John Bandler

This page has resources specific for this chapter.

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Chapter 24 Intentional torts (wrongs) 

Chapter references, resources, and additional reading

Chapter questions

  • Analyze the Delta v. CrowdStrike complaint (and CrowdStrike’s own complaint, any replies and other information) regarding the intentional tort claims made by Delta.
  • Person A’s avatar AA is subjected to unwanted virtual contact, when Person B’s avatar BB corners AA, gropes AA, and so forth. Discuss what civil torts might apply and why.
  • When is a civil action (lawsuit) an appropriate and helpful response for intentional cyber actions? How does this compare to a criminal action?

Links and information

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Originally posted 11/21/2024.  Updated 01/05/2025.