Chapter 32 resources for the Cyberlaw bookResources and Links for the book Cyberlaw: Law for Digital Spaces and Information Systems, by John Bandler

By John Bandler

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Chapter 32 Privacy and privacy laws

Chapter references, resources, and additional reading

Chapter questions

  • Review a privacy notice (or privacy policy) for an internet service you used, and that you agreed to (LinkedIn, Gmail, Instagram, etc.). What did you learn?
  • List some privacy frameworks.
  • List some privacy laws.
  • What is the difference between a privacy framework and a privacy law?
  • Which came first, privacy frameworks or privacy laws?
  • What does it mean when to say the U.S. follows the sectoral privacy model?
  • What are some typical privacy law requirements?
  • Summarize the FTC's authority over privacy.
  • Summarize what COPPA stands for and is and cite to the law and regulation.
  • Summarize what GLBA stands for and is.
  • Spell out and summarize the privacy law for the health sector.
  • Spell out and summarize the privacy law for the education sector.

Links and information

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Originally posted 11/23/2024.  Updated 01/06/2025.