Chapter 35 resources for the Cyberlaw book
By John Bandler
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Chapter 35 International cyber conflict and law
Chapter references, resources, and additional reading
- Chapter 35 resources, (this page)
- International cyber conflict,
- UN Charter Article 1 and 2, especially 2(4),
- UN Charter Article 51,
- NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE),
- CCDCOE, The Tallinn Manual,
- Michael N. Schmitt, Grey Zones in the International Law of Cyberspace, Yale Journal of International Law (October 18, 2017),
- Michael N. Schmitt, Foreign Cyber Interference in Elections, 97 INT’L L. STUD. 739 (2021), at, via
- Army Cyber Institute at West Point,
- US Army Cyber Center of Excellence (CCoE),
- US Army Cyber Command,
- Cybercrime Investigations (2020 book), Chapter 8 Cyber Investigations Linked to Nation-States or Terrorists
- Bruce Hoffman, Jacob Ware, The Terrorist Threats and Trends to Watch Out for in 2023 and Beyond, CTC Sentinel, November/December 2022, Volume 15, Issue 11, at, or
- International Criminal Court,
- How the Court works,
- Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), Title 50 Chapter 36 of the US Code,
- Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court,
- Presidential Election influence
- Report on the Special Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election, “Mueller Report”, (March 2019), (full report, suggest focus on executive summaries for Part I and Part II).
- “Mueller Report” Executive Summaries (Report on The Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election),
- Office of the Director of National Intelligence, “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”, (January 6, 2017),
- Press Release, Department of Justice, Grand Jury Indicts 12 Russian Intelligence Officers for Hacking Offenses Related to the 2016 Election (July 13, 2018),
- ODNI, Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections, January 6, 2017,
- National Intelligence Council, Foreign Threats to the 2020 US Federal Elections, March 10, 2021,
- Press Release, Joint ODNI, FBI, and CISA Statement on Russian Election Influence Efforts, November 1, 2024,
- US DOJ Press Release, Three IRGC Cyber Actors Indicted for ‘Hack-and-Leak’ Operation Designed to Influence the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, September 27, 2024,
- Clifford Stoll, The Cuckoo’s Egg: Tracking a Spy through the Maze of Computer Espionage (New York, Doubleday, 1989).
Chapter questions
- Given the difficulties enforcing criminal law and civil law, what difficulties do you think are involved enforcing international laws? Explain.
- Nation-states may have tremendous resources and have strong motives to achieve a goal. Does it surprise you they would use cyberspace? What types of cyber actions might they take?
- What types of actions do nation-states take that we never hear about?
- What types of cyber actions do you think nation-states are taking now?
- What types of cyber actions do you think nation-states are planning, even if they do not intend to carry them out at this point?
- Does it surprise you that there are laws about when to start a war?
- Does it surprise you that there are laws about how a war should be conducted?
- What is the primary international law, sort of like an international Constitution?
- What do you think about the analogy between criminal law and use of force compared to international law and warfare?
- Does it surprise you that existing laws of war can be applied to cyberconflict?
- Why is the Tallinn Manual named after "Tallinn"?
- The U.S. government is granted far more authority and secrecy for national security investigations compared to criminal investigations. Why is that, and does that surprise you?
Links and information
- The book: Cyberlaw: Law for Digital Spaces and Information Systems, by John Bandler
- Cyberlaw Book Resources (main resources page)
- Cyberlaw book FAQ
- Cyberlaw main book page
- Amazon - John's Author page
- Udemy online course on cyberlaw
(other online courses too)
- Services
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Originally posted 11/23/2024. Updated 01/06/2025.