Delta v CrowdStrike and the 2024 outage

By John Bandler
This page has resources relating to this case, which I discuss in several places in my book on Cyberlaw.
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Delta v Crowdstrike and the 2024 outage
My book discusses this case in several places including Chapter 24 (intentional torts), Chapter 25 (negligence law) and Chapter 26 (contract law).
This page is a way to make certain case documents and citations easily available for learners. Instead of manually typing in URLs or searching for case documents, they are all here.
Documents hosted on this site:
- 2024-07-29 lawyer letter from Delta to CrowdStrike
- 2024-08-04 lawyer letter from CrowdStrike to Delta
- 2024-08-08 lawyer letter from Delta to CrowdStrike
- 2024-10-25 civil complaint: Delta v. CrowdStrike, in Fulton Co., GA (state court), Case 24CV013621, full caption: Delta Air Lines, Inc., v. CrowdStrike, Inc. (alleging many claims including computer trespass, breach of contract, product defect, gross negligence, deceptive and unfair business practices)
- 2024-10-25 civil complaint: CrowdStrike v. Delta, in USDC NDGA (federal court, US District Court of the Northern District of Georgia), case 1:24-cv-04904-TWT, full caption CrowdStrike, Inc., v. Delta Air Lines, Inc. (for a declaratory judgment)
Statutes cited in the Delta complaint
- GA Code § 16-9-93(b), Computer Trespass,
- GA Code § 10-1-391 et seq., Deceptive and Unfair Business Practices Act, (et seq. means "and sequence" so the link is to the main statute part)
- GA Code §51-10-3 et seq., Trespass to Personalty, (relating to personal property, or personalty, and not "personality")
- The GA statutes are cited in the complaint as "O.C.G.A." which stands for Official Code of Georgia Annotated.
Cyberlaw book links and information
- The book: Cyberlaw: Law for Digital Spaces and Information Systems, by John Bandler
- Cyberlaw Book Resources (main resources page)
- Cyberlaw book FAQ
- Cyberlaw main book page
- Amazon - John's Author page
- Udemy online course on cyberlaw
(other online courses too)
- Services
This page is hosted at, copyright John Bandler, all rights reserved. No claim to the public legal documents filed.
Originally posted 11/21/2024. Updated 12/11/2024.