Introduction to law course at UdemyJohn Bandler’s courses at Udemy on Law, Privacy, Cybersecurity, Learning.

I created a course at Udemy to bring some basic knowledge about U.S. law to everyone.

It was my first Udemy course and now I have others. Click here or the image to learn about all my Udemy courses.

Why you should take the course

Law affects us all personally and professionally.

Knowledge of law is not just for lawyers. We should learn about law just like we learn about our health without becoming doctors and learn about our car without becoming auto mechanics.

We are a nation of laws so our citizenry and residents should have basic knowledge of the system of rules for our society and government. This basic foundation in legal knowledge is good for you and the country.

Why I built the course

Law can seem confusing to non-lawyers. I try to provide a simple practical overview because we all play a role in this nation of laws.

I realized it was time to share my work with a broader audience. Previously I have built courses and resources for students and audiences at a variety of levels, from undergraduate, graduate, law school, and professional.

I wanted to try another platform -- Udemy. In this online setting, my lectures are planned, recorded, and then available for anyone who desires to see it, anywhere in the world, and at an excellent value for the learner. The reach is wider, to anyone with an Internet connection. And I don't have to grade, which is my least favorite aspect of formal education teaching!

Value for you the student

I think this course is an excellent value. I am qualified to teach it, put a lot of effort into it, and provide quality information in a simple, straightforward, and streamlined manner. We cover a lot of material in a short time, but you have the rewind button, supplementary free articles and the ability to ask questions.

I priced the course low -- as low as Udemy allows. Because of the length of the course (over 2 hours), I could not offer it for free under Udemy's rules. So there is a cost, and the value is excellent for the right student to obtain a lot of knowledge delivered efficiently and clearly.

  • Udemy marks the price up and down, so the price you see may be different from how I priced it.
  • Look around for the best price, best sale, and best coupon code.
  • More on pricing at my main Udemy page and an occasional coupon code.

Coupon code

Coupon codes will be on my other Udemy related page.

Check for coupons (from me or Udemy) to get the best value and price for yourself.

If you are a past or current student of mine, contact me for a free coupon code.

Value for me

The value for me is not financial, but the feeling that I have provided valuable knowledge on law to a broader audience on an important subject. I have built many resources to teach small groups of students, thirty at a time, why not share that with more?

If you find my work valuable, the value to me is if you communicate that to me and others. If you have constructive and kind feedback, I appreciate hearing that too.

Yes, I do receive some author royalties and commissions for the course, but this financial remuneration is tiny! I have priced this as low as possible for this 4+ hour course.


If you are looking for entertainment, comedy routines, fancy graphics, and awesome video editing, this course is not for you.

It is no-nonsense information and knowledge with bullet point PowerPoint slides, trying to pack the most important legal nuggets of an area of law into a seven minuteish lecture.

I am not an entertainer, and I never will be. If I was, you would be seeing me on Netflix, HBO/Max, or somewhere like that. I will never have a Netflix comedy special. And I can barely edit a video. It's a lecture on a topic, and that's pretty much it.

This course isn't for everyone, but it is for some (reminds me of this great country song).

The reviews

The reviews are now solidly positive. Which is amazing considering how hard it is to get people to agree on anything (consider our politics over the last many years as an example).

The first review was brutal:

  • "... He dont even take time to explain the things... I...was hopeful to learn the legal system of US. But I was totally disappointed"

But people have opinions and people will disagree, and the nature of the internet too. Not everyone is going to love it or like it. But since them, the vast majority of students are pretty happy.

  • "Excellent!"
  • "... a fantastic introduction! .... I like how he presents the subject matter, and I like how he gets right to the point."
  • "The explanations and the materials are professionally made. Great work!!"
  • And then even more positive reviews have come!

This course is not for everyone (as evidenced by the first reviewer). If it's not for you, pass it by, or get your money back promptly and go your way.

Learners need a solid understanding of English and the ability to tolerate a lecture where I provide the essential basics of that area of law. Kind learners only please.

Course outline handout

I created an outline handout which I update periodically. With this handout and my accompanying webpage, the organization is abundantly clear for most learners. This outline also helps me as I continually update the course, including with new lectures.


I built a good course to introduce law to non-lawyers.

I put a lot of effort and time into it, and maybe it is right for you, and provides you with knowledge and understanding that will help you.


This page is hosted at Copyright John Bandler, all rights reserved.

Page posted 10/12/2022. Updated 6/7/2024.