Artificial Intelligence and Human Writing and Thinking by John Bandler Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other software programs and algorithms…
Criminal Law by John Bandler Criminal law is one of many areas of law and arguably one of the most…
Things to know by John Bandler Here is a page to jump off to other “Things to Know” pages. “Things…
Seeking help from school resources by John Bandler This page is about seeking help from school resources such as the…
Private security cases things to know by John Bandler Private Security Q&A Does the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution…
Fourth Amendment and cases things to know by John Bandler Fourth Amendment Q&A What is the highest law in the…
Law by John Bandler To me, law is a system of rules from our government for our society that establish…
Weekly Assignment Instructions by John Bandler Many weekly assignments are contained within a Word document you can download and rename.…
Cyberlaw things to know by John Bandler Here are some “things to know” about basic “cyberlaw”. Of course, the term…
Miscellaneous things to know by John Bandler Here are some “things to know” about learning and life, from my perspective.…