Key terms definitions (glossary)

by John Bandler

Here is a page to jump off to other "Key terms definition" pages.

Words and terms can be confusing or mean different things to different people, so I started creating webpages to define them for clients, students, and you. I decided to include a glossary in my new book on policies and procedures.

By creating these pages, my policies, training materials, and emails can be shorter because I can link to these definitions. A reader who knows what the term means can skip the link, but a reader who wants to understand it better can click and learn more.

Remember, these key terms definitions are short and cannot be expected to capture all nuances of terms and concepts. Words mean different things to different people -- this is what these words mean to me, in the simplest of fashions.

Key terms definition or article?

It is always a matter of degree on how much to write, and sometimes a "key terms" page evolves into a more complex article. The top of the article will always include the most important takeaway or definition.


Key terms for policies

Policies should be the right length, not too long, not too short. These key term definitions help make that so.

When I write policies, the appendix may have these definitions, this way, with the article name and link spelled out.


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Posted 2/11/2024. Updated 2/16/2024