My coupon code at the Infosec Institute ... no longer exists

I built this page at the start of 2022 because Infosec Institute provided me with a unique author coupon code that allowed a learner to get fifty percent off and they encouraged me to promote it. I revised it in January 2025 as things have changed.

Infosec Institute is a learning platform for cybersecurity professionals, I built two courses for them and have written a lot of content for them also.

In March 2022 educational behemoth Cengage Group acquired Infosec Institute, and the changes have been occurring little by little. On January 7, 2025 I learned of a significant change that affected this webpage because Cengage/Infosec discontinued the author coupon code program. Eventually I learned that this change was effective at the end of June 2024 -- six months prior.

There may be other changes at Infosec Skills (a Cengage company) and with their content, and it is no longer appropriate for me to make any representations about their platform or their business. For example, they have mentioned changing their author model, so I am sure that will eventually come to me and my courses.

I prepared two significant online courses for them, which are currently still on their platform. The courses I prepared were:

  • Privacy and cybersecurity law and preparation for the IAPP CIPP/US privacy certification exam.
    • CIPP/US is the leading privacy certification and is administered by IAPP.  IAPP stands for International Association of Privacy Professionals, and CIPP/US stands for Certified Information Privacy Professional, United States.
  • Cybersecurity policies and procedures, from a comprehensive perspective that blends security, law, management, and writing.
    • Cybersecurity policies and governance documents are are an essential part of organization management, efficiency, and compliance.

These courses are solid and mostly evergreen (remaining relevant) but I also realize more changes are probably coming to their business and platform. At this point I do not want to make representations about their platform, so see their site for details.

My courses on Udemy and other content

I have built course on Udemy, some for free, some are paid. For paid courses, shop around for the best deal and coupon code, ask me to generate a new coupon code, and remember that Udemy does dynamic pricing (the displayed price fluctuates).

See My Udemy courses.

I have written four books, and the last two are simple convenient reads at affordable prices. I have a lot of free articles on this website.

Conclusion and disclosure

I really enjoyed building my courses for Infosec Institute and realize that things change and companies change.

The courses are still available there (for now at least) but I was surprised at the recent change and when I learned about it, and I am sure more changes are coming at Infosec Institute/Cengage. So it is not appropriate for me to make any representations or warranties about them.

I have online courses on Udemy, some are free, so check them out. I have a lot of free resources on my website here, and books too.


This page is hosted at Copyright John Bandler, all rights reserved.

Page posted 01/05/2022. Updated 2/3/2025

Revision note: On 1/7/2025 I updated the page to inform visitors that my coupon code will not work, and that the page would be updated in the future. On 1/29/2025 I did a major update to reflect this change and the potential of other changes at Infosec Skills/Cengage, and I removed any representations about their platform and their content.

Eventually, I will retire this page, but I want to leave it up long enough to correct the mistaken information I had been passing along about my coupon code.