About the CIPP/US Certification, How to Study for It, and Reference List
by John Bandler
Let's learn about the CIPP/US privacy certification, how to study for it, and provide some important resources. CIPP/US stands for Certified Information Privacy Professional, United States and focuses on US privacy law and practice. The certification is administered by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP).
The information on this page is helpful for anyone considering or pursuing the CIPP/US certification, and for anyone interested in privacy, cybersecurity or law (even if you do not pursue the certification or attend my course).
I have also created two online courses to help people learn about privacy and prepare for this certification exam.
- One course is geared for lawyers and law students, on the Udemy learning platform (many non lawyers take it too)
- One course is geared for information security professionals, on the Infosec Skills Cengage learning platform.
Your goal
If you have decided to study for and take the CIPP/US certification, then I suggest that your goal should be:
- Learn the material well enough to pass the test easily and remember it long after you passed the test
- Earn the certification by passing the test
- After you have earned the certification, use your learning to continually demonstrate to yourself and others that this learning and certification has improved you professionally.
Alternatively, maybe you have decided to learn more about privacy in the United States without pursuing the CIPP/US certification, then these materials are a helpful guide. Review the substantive information and references below relating to privacy and the CIPP/US body of knowledge.
Privacy has growing importance in all of our professional and personal lives, and is the subject of increasing law and regulation. Privacy is not an isolated field, but overlaps with many others (including cybersecurity, compliance, information governance, organization management) and is a pressing societal issue.
About the IAPP
The IAPP is a non-profit organization based in New Hampshire and with global reach. According to their website, they are the largest and most comprehensive global information privacy community and resource. In addition to their CIPP/US certification, they offer CIPP certifications for other regions and more specific privacy certifications including Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM), Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT), and CIPP/EU focusing on EU privacy law.
You can join the IAPP and maintain your membership for an annual fee of $275. I recommend this if you are pursuing one of their certifications or if you are interested in a career path involving privacy. I find their materials to be of high quality and well organized, and they seem to be the leader in privacy. Student memberships are $50.
About the CIPP/US certification
A CIPP/US certification is well suited for anyone desiring to learn and demonstrate their knowledge regarding US privacy law and practice. To earn the certification, one needs to study the materials, take and pass the test (which costs money), and also pay a certification maintenance fee. That is the basics and you should also read and follow their other rules and guidance as laid out in the Candidate Handbook and elsewhere. As IAPP points out, their certification is accredited and designed to “assess professional competence and experience”.
Exam topics and materials
The exam topics are laid out in IAPP documents including their “Body of Knowledge”, “Exam Blueprint”, and their list of references. Essentially, the main topics tested are:
- Introduction to the U.S. Privacy Environment
- Limits on Private-sector Collection and Use of Data
- Government and Court Access to Private-sector Information
- Workplace Privacy
- State Privacy Laws
CIPP/US materials from IAPP are well organized, and are listed and linked to below. Given my background in law I found the certification exam to be relatively straightforward, though for many non lawyers it could be more of a challenge. I enjoy explaining law to non-lawyers (and infosec to lawyers) and think my course lays it out well.
The test
There is never a perfect time in life to take a certification test. So if you have decided to pursue this certification, you might as well get the test scheduled and give yourself a deadline and start studying.
The exam costs $550 (last I checked) and is taken at a Pearson VUE testing center or remotely in the comfort of your home or office (Pearson OnVUE).
The test is 90 multiple choice questions, each with four possible answers, and you have 2.5 hours to complete the test. Only 75 questions are scored, meaning that 15 of the questions (20%) are not scored as they are experimental or to gain insights for quality control for this and future tests. Each question you answer correctly is worth one point and there are no penalties for wrong answers. The Exam Blueprint lays out approximately how many questions you will see on the various topics. Some of the questions are scenario based, where you need to read a passage and then answer questions based on the facts presented. It is helpful to be able to spot the issues and determine what information is relevant for the questions, and what can be discounted.
My other articles have tips on how to study and learn, and how to take an exam. In sum, put in honest and continual effort to learn the materials well, relax, and pass the test (the first time). Then you will retain the knowledge to help you in your career.
After you pass
Once you have earned your IAPP certification, you need to pay to maintain it. You can do this by being a member of IAPP for $275 annually, which will include the certification maintenance fee and provide many other benefits. If you are not an IAPP member, you will need to pay a certification maintenance fee of $250 for 2 years. Again, I recommend joining IAPP and maintaining your membership.
After earning your CIPP/US certification, you will also have to earn continuing professional education (CPE) credits and then remember to enter them into the IAPP portal regularly. CPEs need to be entered within three months, after which you cannot get credit for them. Stay on top of this!
My Udemy mini-course for lawyers and law students
I also created a mini-course for lawyers and law students, hosted at Udemy. Many non-lawyers are taking it too.
This course assumes you have good legal knowledge and study skills, and rips through the CIPP/US Body of Knowledge at a rapid clip. Click here to go see it.
My course at Infosec Skills
I created a CIPP/US study course for the InfoSec Institute, which was then acquired by Cengage, an enormous educational content provider. I think it came out great with a lot of helpful content.
That platform requires an annual or monthly subscription, and is geared for information security professionals. Their communication with authors used to be excellent, but since being acquired by the educational behemoth they have changed many of their processes, and more changes are coming, and I don't always hear of them in a timely fashion. At this point I do not want to make representations about their platform, so see their site for details.
My personal coupon code at Infosec Skills -- does not exist anymore
I once had a personal coupon code for Infosec Skills which provided a 50% discount for any subscription purchase (monthly or yearly) which gave you access to their entire learning library (including my course).
But then they discontinued it (I didn't find out until six months later) so that was a bit disappointing. I am updating my webpages to correct this mistaken information I had been passing along.
Conclusion and disclaimer
The CIPP/US is an excellent certification from an excellent organization, and studying for it will give you an excellent foundation in law and privacy (and cybersecurity).
I have simplified things greatly and left out many details. Remember that the IAPP is the main and final authority on their certification. Be sure to read the IAPP materials listed and linked to below, and consider that my list may not be complete or could become out of date. That means check the IAPP website and read their materials.
I would not have developed this course if I didn't already have a favorable view of the certification and materials it covers, and of course I receive some (very minor) compensation for the course I created.
Reference list: Sources and additional reading
- My Udemy course for lawyers and law students
- See my Udemy CIPP/US landing page and description
- Free coupon code for the Pace community -- be sure to ask
- CIPP/US Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Infosec Skills (now a Cengage company) for Infosec pros
- At this point I do not want to make representations about their platform, so see their site for details.
John Bandler’s Articles & Work
- John Bandler's CIPP/US mini-course for lawyers and law students at Udemy
- John Bandler's CIPP/US certification preparation course at the InfoSec Institute for infosec pros. A Cengage company
- How to Learn and Study, https://johnbandler.com/how-to-learn-and-study/
- How to Take an Exam, https://johnbandler.com/how-to-take-an-exam
- Certifications and Improving Your Knowledge and Credentials Relating to Technology, Cybersecurity, and More, https://johnbandler.com/certifications-improve-knowledge-credentials-technology-cybersecurity-more/
- Privacy, https://johnbandler.com/privacy/
- Law, https://johnbandler.com/law/
- Cyberlaw, https://johnbandler.com/cyberlaw/
- Introduction to Law (an outline) https://johnbandler.com/introduction-to-law-outline/
- Cybersecurity Laws and Regulations Part 1, (general legal overview), https://johnbandler.com/cybersecurity-laws-and-regulations-1/
- Cybersecurity Laws and Regulations Part 2, (listing and brief summary of some laws and regulations), https://johnbandler.com/cybersecurity-laws-and-regulations-2/
- FTC Act, https://johnbandler.com/ftc-act/
- Financial Sector Laws and Regulations, https://johnbandler.com/financial-sector-cyber-laws-regulations/
- Health Sector Laws and Regulations, https://johnbandler.com/health-sector-laws-and-regulations/
- Privacy, You, Your Organization, and the New NIST Privacy Framework, https://johnbandler.com/privacy-and-the-new-nist-privacy-framework/
- Introduction to Cybersecurity, https://johnbandler.com/introduction-cybersecurity-information-security/
- Cybersecurity, Privacy, You, and Your Organization, https://johnbandler.com/cybersecurity-privacy-you-and-your-organization/
- Policies, Procedures, and Governance of an Organization, https://johnbandler.com/policies-procedures-and-governance-of-an-organization/
- Policy book resources, https://johnbandler.com/policiesbook-resources/
- Policy Checklist, https://johnbandler.com/policy-checklist/
- Five Components for Policy Work, https://johnbandler.com/five-components-for-policy-work/
- CIPP/US Certification Privacy Law Compilation, https://johnbandler.com/cipp-us-certification-privacy-law-compilation/
IAPP articles and references (Check IAPP to ensure you are visiting the most up to date versions)
- IAPP Certification Process, https://iapp.org/certify/certification-process/
- IAPP How to Prepare, https://iapp.org/certify/prepare/
- IAPP Certification, CIPP/US (include link to purchase exam and free resources, which are also listed and linked below), https://iapp.org/certify/get-certified/cippus/ (check this link for most current information)
- IAPP CIPP/US Body of Knowledge v 2.51 (until 9/2024), U.S. Private-sector Privacy Certification Outline of the Body of Knowledge for the Certified Information Privacy Professional/United States (CIPP/US™), v 2.5.1 Effective Date: 10/2/2023, https://iapp.org/media/pdf/certification/CIPP_US_BoK_2.5.1.pdf
- IAPP CIPP/US Body of Knowledge v 2.6 (effective 9/2024), U.S. Private-sector Privacy Certification Outline of the Body of Knowledge for the Certified Information Privacy Professional/United States (CIPP/US™), v 2.6 Effective Date: 9/2/2024, https://iapp.org/media/pdf/certification/CIPP_US_BoK_2.6_UpdatedCover_FINAL.pdf
- IAPP, CIPP/US Exam Blueprint v 2.42 (until 9/2024), U.S. Private-sector Privacy Certification Examination Blueprint for the Certified Information Privacy Professional/United States (CIPP/US™), v 2.4.2, Effective 10/2/2023, https://iapp.org/media/pdf/certification/CIPP_US_EBP_2.4.2.pdf
- IAPP, CIPP/US Exam Blueprint v 2.43 (effective 9/2024), U.S. Private-sector Privacy Certification Examination Blueprint for the Certified Information Privacy Professional/United States (CIPP/US™), v 2.4.3, Effective 9/2/2024, https://iapp.org/media/pdf/certification/CIPP_US_EBP_2.4.3_UpdatedCover_FINAL.pdf
- IAPP Glossary of Privacy Terms for CIPP/US https://iapp.org/resources/glossary/group/cippus/ (also see terms from main glossary page, and then you can later use the filter for CIPP/US, https://iapp.org/resources/glossary/ )
- IAPP Resource center, https://iapp.org/resources/
- IAPP Privacy Certification Candidate Handbook 2023, Version 4.1.0, Effective Date: January 10, 2023, https://iapp.org/media/pdf/certification/IAPP_Privacy_Certification_Candidate_Handbook_4.1.0.pdf
- IAPP, CIPP/US Resources list, (Old but still on website) U.S. Private Sector Privacy Certification Authoritative Resources List, v. 3.2.2 Updated: 10/28/2020, https://iapp.org/media/pdf/certification/CIPP_US_Authoritative_Resource_3.2.2.pdf (Note this is a 2020 update so it will not have recent changes, I am looking for a more current version)
- IAPP CIPP/US Exam Updates effective 9/1/2021, (old but still on website) https://iapp.org/media/pdf/certification/IAPP_CERTIFICATION_ExamUpdate_052521_003.pdf
- IAPP CIPP/US free study guide (this is not super helpful, as it is dated 2019, includes the older body of knowledge and older exam blueprint, and has just three sample questions), https://pages.iapp.org/Free-Study-Guides_CIPPUS-FSG-PPC.html
- ** (Book) Peter Swire and DeBrae Kennedy-Mayo, U.S. Private-Sector Privacy, Fourth Edition, IAPP, 2024. ** Available through the IAPP website and store, see, https://iapp.org/resources/article/us-private-sector-privacy-textbook/ (IAPP indicates this is “the principal text" for the CIPP/US credential. It is written well and clearly and I recommend it). ** The principal text **
- IAPP Daily Dashboard, https://iapp.org/news/daily-dashboard/
- IAPP home page, https://iapp.org/
- Daniel Solove, Privacy & Security, https://teachprivacy.com/
- Daniel Solove is an expert in privacy
- IAPP Certification (input CPEs), https://iapp.org/certify/cpe/ (After you earn your certification, do not forget to input your CPE regularly!)
- (Book) Daniel J. Solove and Paul M. Schwartz. Privacy Law Fundamentals, 7th Edition. Portsmouth: IAPP Publications, 2024 https://store.iapp.org/privacy-law-fundamentals-seventh-edition-print/
This page is hosted at https://johnbandler.com/cipp-us-certification. Copyright John Bandler, all rights reserved. No claim to IAPP materials or legal references.
Please notify me of any corrections or updates.
Page posted 7/30/2021. Updated 2/3/2025.