Terms of Use for the Free Cybersecurity Policy from John Bandler


Free Cybersecurity Policy from John Bandler – click to download

Some small organizations cannot expend the resources to obtain expert cybersecurity help, and that is one reason I provide many free resources on this website, including my free cybersecurity policy.

There is a large cybersecurity gap between large organizations and smaller organizations.

Large organizations have in-house lawyers and full time information security and information technology professionals.  They can focus on legal requirements regarding cybersecurity, privacy, and data breach notification, help implement solutions, and build governance documents.

In contrast, small and mid-sized organizations may not have anyone on staff with knowledge of these issues. They may be unaware of the risks, and reluctant to hire specialized help or devote time to the issues.

This free cybersecurity policy is for small organizations that cannot afford expert cybersecurity services or customized documentation.

This cannot replace qualified, paid expertise but it is a start. This is a policy that -- if properly implemented and followed -- can protect from cybercrime and help with legal compliance.

Policy Terms of Use, Disclaimer, and Ownership of Intellectual Property

Policy Section 8, updated 6/10/2024

These Terms of Use apply to John Bandler’s complimentary (“free” or “starter”) cybersecurity policy. These Terms must be left in place without modification. You may edit and adjust the rest of this document, but please leave this notice in place and as-is. I have attempted to write this in plain English and keep it short, simple, and clear.

If you do not agree to any of these terms, do not download or use this document, and delete any copies you have downloaded, printed, or otherwise made.

This document is provided without charge by John Bandler, Bandler Law Firm PLLC, and Bandler Group LLC) (collectively, “we” or “us”). We provide it to help small organizations protect themselves from cybercrime (which is ever present), and realize that many lack the resources and ability to hire professionals. This document is intended for those small organizations that cannot afford cybersecurity advice or services. It is not tailored to any particular organization, nor is it legal or consulting advice, and no client relationship exists between you and us. This document is not a substitute for professional, expert services and assistance. A paid expert can create or update a policy, tailor it to your organization, as well as providing many other helpful services.

You use this document at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever and provide no warranty of any kind. You agree to hold us harmless for any bad things that might happen, and you waive all claims against us. You also agree to indemnify us for third-party claims. If you edit the substance of this document, that is also at your own risk.

We retain all intellectual property ownership rights in and to the material presented in this document, including copyright. We grant you a limited license to use this for your organization’s internal use, but not to resell it, nor share it outside of your organization (unless legally required). Attribution to us of original authorship must be retained as well as noting if changes were made by you. Publishers of John Bandler’s books and articles retain their rights as well.

You understand that a good cybersecurity policy has value only if it is followed. A policy that is ignored or not followed has no value, will not protect you from cybercrime, nor put you in compliance with cybersecurity laws and regulations.

For deeper understanding of this document, cybersecurity, cybercrime threats, and more, read the free articles on my website, and also see my books. If there are terms or concepts in this document that you do not understand, look to my writings, conduct appropriate research, and seek professional and expert advice. Cybersecurity requires continual improvement.

This document is a work-in-progress and is not perfect for everyone—no document is. We welcome any suggestions to improve it and the resources. If you find my resources helpful, please spread the word, express appreciation, purchase my books, or consider me when your organization becomes ready to expend resources to improve cybersecurity.

The policy and these terms of use are available on my website, and may be updated occasionally.

Conclusion and Additional References

This article is hosted at https://johnbandler.com/terms-of-service-free-cybersecurity-policy. Copyright John Bandler, all rights reserved.

Posted July 2021. Updated 6/10/2024.