Free Starter Cybersecurity Policy

This is the free starter cybersecurity policy for organizations that have not yet gotten started. Some lack the resources to obtain personalized expert assistance and do not have any documents in place.

This free version of my cybersecurity policy gets you started.

Put an organization rule in place (this policy). Then get to work complying with the rule and improving your organization.

Get started with cybersecurity management

Many small organizations have not gotten started with cybersecurity yet. They don't have an internal cybersecurity policy or incident response plan. They may not have even thought about the threats and how to protect against them, nor the legal requirements. Every organization needs to do something, then continually improve their cybersecurity posture. For some that means getting started, and my free policy helps you do that, and is backed by other resources.

This is not a substitute for professional expert assistance but recognizes realities, gives to those who cannot afford to pay, and is offered as a public service. This policy can be downloaded and used according to the policy terms of use. For example, you will respect my intellectual property rights, hold me harmless, and acknowledge that a document does not magically shield you from cybercrime nor put you in compliance with the growing laws and regulations surrounding cybersecurity, cybercrime investigation, and breach notification. No attorney-client or consultant-client relationship is formed by your use of this policy.

Please click on the link or image to access and download the policy.

Cybersecurity Policy from John Bandler – click to download
Cybersecurity Policy from John Bandler – click to download

** Bandler Free Cybersecurity Policy v1.3 rev 2024-6-10 **

In exchange for my gift to you, I hope you will consider returning the favor with expressions of gratitude, compliments, constructive feedback, purchase of my books, referrals, and consideration of my services as your organization grows and gains the capacity to hire professional help.

Conclusion and Additional References

Cybercrime attacks continue repeatedly and legal requirements are here. Every organization needs a cybersecurity program. I want to help you get started.

This article is hosted at Copyright John Bandler, all rights reserved.

Policy version notes

  • Version 1.0 dated 2021-10-24. First version.
  • Version 1.1 dated 2022-1-31. Minor updates. Within text, resources for additional information are clickable links, and the URL is now spelled out only in the appendix.
  • Version 1.2 dated 2023-4-19. Minor updates, a few more links to new articles.
  • Version 1.3 dated 2024-6-10. Minor updates and tweaks and expanded references/links, including to new policies book.

Page created July 2021. Updated 6/10/2024.