Resources for the book: Policies and Procedures for Your OrganizationResources and Links for the book Policies and Procedures for Your Organization, by John Bandler

Build solid governance documents on any topic ... including cybersecurity

By John Bandler

This page provides resources and links for policy and procedure work, and tracks my book and online course.

The table of contents is listed below, with relevant online resources and links for each chapter.

Interested in my book or online course?

Table of Contents of the book (with linked resources)

  • About the Author
  • Acknowledgements

Part 1: A foundation for better policies and management

1. Why we need good policies and procedures (Introduction)

2. The Five Components for Policy Work

3. Internal rules (policies and procedures and other governance documents)

4. Mission: Business goals and business needs

5. External rules: Laws, regulations and other legal requirements

6. Practice and Action. What organizations actually do

7. External guidance. Best practices.

Part 2: Document project basics

8. The ideal governance documents and management tone

9. Project management basics

10. I don’t have time to plan: Planning, Shmanning

If you don't have time to plan, you don't have time for additional resources, so just read this chapter.

11. Document project planning basics

12. People

Part 3: Writing and finalizing your policies

13. Document project steps

14. Analyzing what applies for your organization

15. Writing

16. Managing the documents and their evolution

17. Gaining approval and finalizing the document

18. Publication, training, implementation

Part 4: Cybersecurity policy work

19. Cybersecurity laws and external rules

20. Cybersecurity external guidance

21. The Four Pillars of Cybersecurity

Part 5: Use and maintain your new policies

22. Use and maintain your new policies (review and update them)

Part 6: Conclusion and resources (appendix)

23. Conclusion

24. Glossary

25. References and additional reading

26. Policy checklist

27. Quick start guide

28. My journey to write this book

29. List of diagrams

Within the book are over 30 diagrams to help illustrate important points. The diagrams are black and white in the print versions, and color for the eBook version.

30. Index

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Details and ISBN

  • Title: Policies and Procedures for Your Organization: Build solid governance documents on any topic ... including cybersecurity
  • Author and Publisher: John Bandler
  • 1st Edition, 2024
  • Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) 2024903943
    • First edition (2024) ISBNs (current edition)
      • Paperback, ISBN 9781963435009
      • Hardcover ("hardback"), ISBN 9781963435023
      • eBook, ISBN 9781963435016

LinksPolicies book infographic Policies and Procedures for Your Organization by John Bandler

This page is hosted at, copyright John Bandler, all rights reserved.

Originally posted 6/11/2024 based on prior pages.  Updated 8/22/2024.