Chapter 22 resources for the Cyberlaw bookResources and Links for the book Cyberlaw: Law for Digital Spaces and Information Systems, by John Bandler

By John Bandler

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Chapter 22 Virtual currency and money laundering

Chapter references, resources, and additional reading

Chapter questions

  • Name two of the earliest virtual currencies
  • What was the first cryptocurrency?
  • How is cryptocurrency a type of virtual currency?
  • How is cryptocurrency a type of virtual asset?
  • What year was Egold created?
  • What year was Webmoney created?
  • What year was Bitcoin created?
  • How is virtual currency (including cryptocurrency) both similar to what we have had before, and different? (compare, contrast, analogize, distinguish)
  • How is cryptocurrency (such as Bitcoin) similar to virtual currencies that existed before, how is it different?
  • What current cryptocurrencies are truly “decentralized” in terms of how they are managed and governed? If a cryptocurrency has ownership and leadership, can it truly be called “decentralized” in terms of management and governance?
  • “Value that substitutes for currency” has been around since about ___________

Links and information

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Originally posted 11/21/2024.  Updated 02/24/2025.