Course Resources by John Bandler Here are some resources for courses I teach at formal academic institutions (law school, graduate…
Paper Topic Ideas and Areas by John Bandler This pertains to the course Paper Topic Assignment, to give some ideas…
Paper Topic Assignment by John Bandler This page is about the course paper topic assignment, where you get to pick…
Assignments and Grading by John Bandler After five plus years teaching, I know it is important for students to get…
Business Basics and Law – An Introduction by John Bandler This article introduces some important legal considerations that apply to…
Policy and Procedure References by John Bandler I did a lot of research on policies, procedures, and governance, especially regarding…
Cybercrime Investigations Course Information by John Bandler I wrote a book on cybercrime investigations (with Antonia Merzon) and it is…
Helpful Legal Resources and Links by John Bandler This is a starting point for legal resources for myself and students.…
The United States Constitution and Bill of Rights by John Bandler The U.S. Constitution is the highest law in the…
A guide to citations and references It is important for students and all other learners to learn to write well…