Paper Topic Ideas and AreasFinal paper project – research and ideas

by John Bandler

This pertains to the course Paper Topic Assignment, to give some ideas about potential paper topics.

  • This is a general page to cover all of my courses, be sure to follow any specific instructions for your course, and to pick a paper topic relevant to your course.
  • The first step in finding a paper topic relevant to your course is reviewing the course syllabus and assigned readings
  • The first step in your research is reviewing, reading, and reading again any relevant materials listed in the syllabus.
  • This page lists general topic ideas and areas, it is then your job to refine a general topic into a more specific paper title.
  • All of these areas relate to law, since all of my courses relate to law in some way and most have a strong focus on law. Thus, whatever topic and title you choose, remember to find a legal tie-in. If you are in law school you will focus on the legal angle.
  • Ideally, you pick a topic that is of interest to you, and even helpful for your future career.
  • Can't decide or don't know where to start? Let me know well in advance of the due date for the paper topic assignment. I'll give you a topic, then you can get to work on the assignment.
  • Paper Project Process Marathon 2023-5 (3) TopicPut in effort and thought and research before choosing and submitting. While it is expected that your titles and topics may evolve and change slightly as your research and writing progresses, topic changes are not allowed.
    • Research starts with relevant course materials (not with Google, not with ChatGPT or other tools).
  • Remember to read the paper topic assignment instructions before submitting.
  • Again, the paper must be relevant to the course, on a topic covered in the course, and be able to draw from course readings for your preliminary research.

Cyber law related topics, law and cybercrime, cybersecurity, privacy, technology

  • See the table of contents (TOC) of my book on Cybercrime Investigations for chapters the course is covering.
  • See the course syllabus to see what the course covers, including topics and assigned reading
  • See the articles on this website to see if an article covers a relevant topic of interest.
  • Negligent cybersecurity
    • Analyze the elements of a cause of action for "negligent cybersecurity". First consider traditional negligence. The apply it to cybersecurity and evaluate relevant case law. Examine the legal issues and potential factual issues.
  • Attorney ethical requirements for cybersecurity
  • Negligent privacy?
  • Privacy statutory violations
  • New cybersecurity and privacy laws
  • After the data breach. Evaluate all legal implications with a focus on costs and potential legal and regulatory actions.
  • Standards of cybersecurity. What is the legal standard now?. What should it be? What is reasonable cybersecurity? What is negligent cybersecurity? How is this determined?
  • Analyze the elements of a cause of action for breach of contract regarding cybersecurity. For example, a contract specifies there must be "reasonable cybersecurity". One party sues the other alleging breach of contract for inadequate cybersecurity. Examine the legal issues and potential factual issues.
  • Contract issues in information technology
  • How might information security frameworks play a role regarding legal standards of cybersecurity? By frameworks, I mean examples such as: NIST CSF, NIST 800-53, ISO 2700x, COBIT, CIS CSC (top 20)
  • Cybersecurity Laws and Frameworks: How they Combine to Establish a Standard of Reasonable Cybersecurity
  • Cybersecurity Frameworks and how they can Help Protect from Cybercrime and Comply with Legal Requirements
  • Examine the various state laws regarding data breaches and notification/reporting requirements and why there is no unifying federal standard. Is this overly burdensome? Should there be a unifying rule?
  • Challenges and solutions for organizations complying with different laws, regulations, and frameworks relating to cybersecurity and privacy.
  • Examine cybersecurity regulations and laws, their purpose, evolution, etc.
  • Are people susceptible to being manipulated through online misinformation, propaganda, lies, or deceptive marketing? What are the current laws to address this? How does this relate to the First Amendment? Who puts out this misinformation? (Nation states, marketers, politicians?)
  • Nation state cyber operations and attacks, the law and its application.
  • Privacy rights and privacy policies: Are policies effective to protect privacy, is it possible for users to give knowing consent regarding the use of their data?
  • Free speech vs. harassment and stalking on the internet and how do we regulate speech on the internet? Discuss free speech vs. civilly actionable vs. criminally actionable.
  • Jurisdiction in "cyberspace". Examine how each government entity can assert jurisdiction
  • The NYS SHIELD Act and implementation and enforcement history
  • The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), implementation and enforcement history.
  • Enforcement of "unfair trade practices" and cybersecurity policies/practices
  • Enforcement of "unfair trade practices" and privacy policies/practices
  • Virtual currency (including cryptocurrency) and current laws and regulations.
  • IS 647 only: Legal duties in creating and administering software, hardware, information systems, etc.
  • Examine why better cybersecurity will not eliminate cybercrime?  The Battle Between Cybercrime and Cybersecurity: Will There Ever be a Winner?
  • Other ideas?

Cybercrime, cybercrime and cybersecurity (FR undergraduate and graduate)

  • Why We Can Never Eliminate Cybercrime With Good Cybersecurity
  • The Western Express Cybercrime Case: Why it [is / is not] a Model for Other Investigations by State and Local Authorities
  • The Western Express Cybercrime Case: Why it [is / is not] a Model for Other Federal and State Prosecutors
  • The Western Express Cybercrime Case: Why Following the Money and the Data was Important
  • Cybercrime Investigations and the Need to Follow the Money, Data, and Online Activities
  • Cybersecurity Requirements and Analogies to Brick and Mortar Situations
  • Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Prevention for Organizations: Governance, Legal, Technical, and Human 
  • Cybercrime: Why Disruption is / is Not Enough, and Why we Need / Don't Need Deterrence, and How to Achieve That
  • And some more details below:
  • A deep dive into why you cannot eliminate cybercrime simply with cybersecurity
    • Ability for an individual organization to defend against all attacks
    • Likelihood of all organizations properly defending against attacks
    • Deterrence (or lack thereof) as a factor
    • Other factors?
  • A deep dive into cybercrime statistics and risks for criminals of getting caught
    • Assessing cybercrime reporting statistics and how accurate they are
      • What percentage of crimes are reported vs. unreported?
      • When are cybercrimes reported, when are they not reported?
    • Cybercrimes committed and attempted and relative solve rates
    • Compare cybercrime solve rates to solve rates for traditional crimes
    • Compare relative risks of investigation, apprehension, prosecution
    • Risk of apprehension for burglary vs. typical cybercrime
  • Cybersecurity governance - what parts of an organization need to be involved?
  • Cybersecurity careers - which skills are needed and which should be emphasized


Private security and law related paper topic areas (law, private security and policing compared to public policing)

  • Discuss premises liability for crimes committed on a property against tenants or others using the property. E.g. liability of the owner or landlord or property manager for crimes committed by third parties. Negligence law, contract law, etc.
  • How do you build or manage a security program (or manage a security company) to ensure it complies with applicable laws, including contract, negligence, regulatory requirements.
  • Compare and contrast legal requirements for arrests and searches by law enforcement compared to arrests by private security
  • Discuss the various laws and restrictions that apply to the conduct of private security and law enforcement. What laws apply to both, what laws apply to one, but not the other?
  • Discuss civil liability issues for private security. What laws might lead to liability, how can security managers reduce their potential liability? Consider negligence law, contract law, etc.
  • Discuss how the public sector and private sector investigate and prosecute crime together and individually.
  • Evolution of constitutional law relating to arrest, search, and seizure by law enforcement.
  • New technology and implications for private security and law
  • A topic related to the syllabus or the coursebook
  • Other ideas?

Paper project phases

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Posted 6/26/2022 based on years of teaching. Updated 6/11/2024