Paper Topic AssignmentFinal paper project – paper topic assignment

by John Bandler

This page is about the course paper topic assignment, where you get to pick your paper topic, perform initial research, and communicate that to me for my feedback. The basics are on this page, with links to documents with more detailed instructions and a template for your submission.

1. In sum

In sum, you will research and propose a paper title to me and demonstrate your substantial research and thought thus far. The title needs to be relevant to this course, you need to do research and follow the template so that I can provide helpful guidance and direction.

Use the template I provide and submit:

  • Proposed paper title
  • A single paragraph summarizing your proposed paper
  • A list of references you have reviewed thus far starting with materials in the syllabus and expanding from there
  • Student reflection: School resources consulted, comments or questions for me.Paper Project Process Marathon 2023-5 (3) Topic

Ensure your proposed topic relates to the course and that your research can start with course readings.

Pick a topic you can put a semester’s worth of work into. Topics may evolve over the semester but wholesale changes will not be allowed. If you are stuck contact me well in advance of the deadline.

Above all, remember the goal is your learning and effort. So do your best.

Do enough work that you will be at mile marker 8 of our marathon, the final paper project.

2. Your template with some limited instructions

This Word document is your template and it has some abbreviated instructions in it.

Download it, rename it, start building your submission.

3. Paper topic ideas

You get to pick your paper topic, but it needs to be relevant to the course.

Look through the course syllabus, the topics covered, the readings assigned. Also see this Paper Topic Ideas page.

4. Why

Researching, writing, and editing are important skills and this is your learning opportunity to improve them. If you put in effort you will learn. I let you pick your topic, because hopefully you pick a topic relevant to the course that is of great interest to you, or helps for your future career.

In my marathon analogy, eventually submission of the final paper at the end of the semester is completing the marathon and reaching the finish line. This submission should bring you to mile marker 8, about one-third of the way. If you do a great job here, you are further along, and I can give you very helpful feedback to get to the next step.

See the Paper Project Overview page for more on the "big picture".

5. Instructions and submission content

Download the document linked to above, review it, do a "save as", and put in effort, thought, and research before submission.

Have some fun and learn, and move your paper closer to the finish line.

Remember the four main parts of your submission listed above?  Here are more details on each.

Your document will include these elements:

  • Your name, and date.
  • Proposed title
    • A wonderful, crisp title that informs the reader about what the paper is about
    • Be clear and direct. Communicate clearly. Don’t be overly clever or cute.
    • Topic needs to be relevant to the course.
    • See Paper Topic Ideas for general ideas
  • A single paragraph summarizing your proposed paper
    • A paragraph of no more than 250 words that is crisp, well proofread and edited, and gives more information to the reader about what the paper is about.
    • This can eventually become your first introductory paragraph for the paper
    • Introduce and summarize your paper and what it covers (as if the paper was already written).
    • A paragraph that stands on its own.
    • Do not introduce or summarize broad concepts, such as the Internet, cybercrime, etc.
    • A well-researched and thoughtful summary paragraph allows for good feedback.
    • Be clear and direct.
  • References: A list of references reviewed thus far
    • List the references you have reviewed.
    • Always start with the materials on our syllabus! Then expand your research from there.
    • Don’t worry about citation form yet, but provide enough information so I can find it, including title, author, publication, page number (if book), link
    • Read what you have listed, or specifically indicate if you have not read them yet
    • Start with anything relevant listed on the syllabus, including coursebook and articles
    • List relevant laws, regulations, or cases.
    • Your paper is about law, so you need to identify those laws.
  • Student reflection, comments, and questions (answer the questions on the template)
    • List any consultations with the school library, including date, time, person consulted, how it went.
    • List any consultations with the school writing center, including date, time, person consulted, how it went.
    • How did this submission go for you, and how has the overall process gone for you thus far?
    • Did you read these instructions on this webpage?
    • Did you watch the video below?

6. More details

  • See and follow the basics (above) before you get to the details.
  • Start with the "big picture" and overall goals. After that, look to the details.
  • A little stress is good. But don't panic, focus on the big picture and break it down into steps.
  • You pick a topic area relevant to the course.
    • See course topics and materials (in syllabus) and a list of sample topic areas at
    • You formulate a paper title relevant to the course.
    • See the syllabus, coursebook, all assigned readings. Think of an issue that connects law or regulations with any of our syllabus topics.
    • If you cannot decide, contact me and provide some information about what you are thinking or what problem you are wrestling with (don’t wait until the last minute please).
    • Feel free to bounce any ideas off of me in advance
  • Do reading and research before submission. Put in effort. This is a topic you will have to stick with throughout the semester. Choose wisely.
  • The topic must be relevant to our course and syllabus and should be interesting to you.
  • Invest time in this, and put thought an effort into this. Don’t wait to the last minute, and don’t be late. If your submission is not adequate, you could lose points and put yourself at a disadvantage with future submissions and the paper process.
  • Remember to tie into law or regulation. Not hard to do, we are a nation of laws.
  • It needs to be of proper scope and focus for a relatively short paper.
  • Have fun with the process and learn. You get to pick a topic you are interested in.
  • Learn about the subject matter, improve your research and writing skills, and grow.
  • Follow other guidance specific to the course, and do good work commensurate with your education learning level.
  • Submit as a DOCX, DOC, PDF. Don't use formats the learning management system doesn't like, such as Pages, DOCT, etc.
  • The final paper will not be long.
    • Undergraduate and graduate: Max 2,000 words (about 8 pages) not including references and citations.
    • Law school: Max 3,000 words (about 12 pages) not including references and citations.
  • Consult my resources as linked to on this page
  • Feeling uncertain, unsure, confused?
    • Reread instructions as needed
    • Ask in class, or email me
    • I can assign you a topic.
    • Remember that life is full of uncertainties! Practice your skills to work through them, that is part of the learning process. Consider the the goals and instructions. Use your brain, make good, solid decisions about a path forward.

7. Effort and grading

Do this as if it will be graded. I reserve the right not to issue a grade.

Put in good effort.

This is about learning and the only way you can learn is with your effort.

8. Research resources include

9. Writing resources include

10. Paper project phases

11. Watch me walk through these instructions in a short video

Posted 6/26/2022 based on years of teaching. Updated 02/01/2025