John’s Articles at Reuters By John Bandler I am “a regular contributing columnist on cybercrime and cybersecurity for Reuters Legal…
My Udemy courses I now have six courses on Udemy covering law, cyber, and learning. (Udemy is a learning platform…
AI’s promise and problem for law and learning By John Bandler Published February 21, 2024, Reuters Legal News Artificial intelligence…
Introduction to law course at Udemy I created a course at Udemy to bring some basic knowledge about U.S. law…
My coupon code at the Infosec Institute … no longer exists I built this page at the start of 2022…
Paper submission checklist by John Bandler Here is a checklist for students to use before submitting their paper or other…
How to Write a Paper by John Bandler Here are some guidelines to help you write a paper better. This…
How to Take an Exam by John Bandler This short article offers guidance for those preparing for an exam, including…
How to Learn and Study by John Bandler Here is some guidance for students and all learners, including those studying…