Technology Basics

by John Bandler

Here is some quick information about technology because it is an integral part of cybersecurity.

Why technology?

I like to analogize cybersecurity and cybercrime to more traditional "brick and mortar" events we are all familiar with, like driving a car or securing a home. I am especially familiar with those things after serving eight years as a state trooper: I drove a lot and investigated many automobile accidents and burglaries. On occasion I even kicked in a door or two.

To drive a car safely and efficiently, we need to know something about how the car works. Similarly, to have good security and use our technology efficiently, we need to know something about technology.

As another analogy, we know that burglars might look to see if a door or window is open, and if not, they might try to use a certain amount of force. So we know that shutting and locking a door is a good security measure. High security locks and alarms are also available. We need to think how technology works and where our "electronic windows and doors" are.

For those of you afraid of technology, relax and know that you do not have to become an expert. All you have to do is improve your knowledge and comfort a little bit at a time.

Technology has four components

Think about your technology as having four components:

  1. The human that configures and uses technology (you)
  2. Computer devices
  3. Data and online accounts
  4. Networks and internet (how computers talk to each other)

Thinking of it this way has a number of advantages.

First, it makes clear that you have an important role with the technology you use, even if it is sometimes thrust upon you.

Second, it aligns perfectly with my Four Pillars of Cybersecurity, which itself is a convenient conceptual way to secure ourselves and our organizations.

By technology, I really mean information technology

By technology, I really mean "information technology" (IT) and "information systems" (IS).

And we should also think about "information assets", which generally means things like computer devices, data, online accounts, networks, internet and phone access, and all of those related things. And people too. Of course, people are not just "assets", but they store and communicate an incredible amount of knowledge and information, need to make many decisions from routine to critical, and they are the ones who configure and use technology.

Technology is always changing

New products, services, inventions, and practices are always being created. Then, on top of that we have marketing, sales, and investor lingo and hype, which usually promises new and improved things. Real change is always happening. And then hype is always happening so that some will invest, buy, put it in the news, and so people will read about it in the news. So think about these milestones which have created great change, great hype, or both:

  • Invention of computer
  • Era of ubiquitous computers in the home
  • Creation of Internet
  • Smartphones
  • Ubiquitous, constant internet connections
  • Cloud storage and cloud computing
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Machine learning
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Quantum computing
  • Blockchain
  • Virtual currency and cryptocurrency
  • Metaverse
  • Quantum Artificial Intelligence Algorithmic Blockchain Warp Speed Computer Next Generation Cryptoverse

I made up the last one.

Using technology efficiently and securely

Technology is here and we need to use it for certain things. So the question is how to use it efficiently and to the proper degree of security.

There are lots of technology providers who compete with each other, and lots of technology to be integrated so that they hopefully work smoothly together.

This may sound obvious, but an important first step is to identify what technology you are actually using. Technology can be complicated, even for a single individual, and is more complicated for organizations. If we don't know what we have, we don't know how to secure it, or how to improve it.

Thus, an information asset inventory is an important part of cybersecurity and information technology.

Learning more on technology

To improve your knowledge of technology, explore what is already at your fingertips, including:

  • Your devices, settings, applications
  • Reliable online resources

To learn a little bit more from me, see these:

  • Cybersecurity for the Home and Office Chapter 5, Basic Computer Principals
  • Cybersecurity for the Home and Office Chapter 6, Basic Networking and the Internet
  • Cybercrime Investigations Chapter 3, Introduction to Computers, Networks, and Forensics

Want to see the insides of a traditional old-school desktop computer? See this page on my other site

Related terms


This article is (of course) not tailored to your circumstances, nor is it legal or consulting advice.

This is to inform, you assume all risk for cybersecurity decisions you make. This is a work in progress. This is a limited amount of words.

I may explain nuances further in other articles, or one of my books. Other experts may have differing opinions.

Ask ten different IT or IS experts, you will get ten or more different definitions for a term, and as many different recommendations for cybersecurity posture. Cybersecurity is about decisions and risk management.


If you are a cybercrime victim, see the resources here, and contact me if you need professional assistance.

If your organization needs help with improving its cybersecurity and identity theft protection, feel free to contact me.

Additional reading

This article is hosted at, copyright John Bandler, all rights reserved.

This article is also available on at NOT YET (though not kept as up to date).

Originally posted 6/17/2023, updated 6/1/2024.