Cybersecurity, Law, and Ethics: Protecting Yourself, Your Firm, Clients, and Family (2025)
On Monday May 5, 2025 from 12:30 (or 12:50) p.m. to 2:00 (or 2:20) p.m. ET John Bandler will present valuable knowledge about cybersecurity, law, and professional responsibilities for attorneys. It is virtual and hosted by Pace University's School of Law, as a complimentary benefit for the entire Pace community.
Attorneys will earn 1.5 CLE credits (continuing legal education) in Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection - Ethics. This means you get 1.5 Ethics credits, and you get 1.5 NYS cybersecurity credits, all at the same time. (Concurrently, as we used to say in the criminal justice system).
This is the fifth annual Cinco de Mayo cybersecurity extravaganza, it is online, and will not be recorded. So attend live and conclude your celebrations. (PS, this is the sixth cybersecurity CLE I have done for Pace).
The Pace Law link to sign up for this webinar will be here when ready ** TBD **
- The link takes you to the Pace U. Alumni site and their registration page for this event
- The URL is not pretty so I do not write it out, and does not have "pace" in the domain name, but the webpage you visit will (probably) read "HAUB LAW CLE: ETHICS AND CYBERSECURITY" and hopefully the year "2025" as well.
- The Pace community attends for free, and if you are outside the Pace community there is a small fee to support administrative costs and Pace.
- Pace sometimes also creates a more friendly webpage URL as a landing page. If they do, I'll link to that here when it becomes available ** TBD **
CLE Materials include
- My speaker bio:
- A PDF of the slide deck will be available for download shortly before and after the presentation via this link ** To be posted shortly after the CLE **
- Cybersecurity Tips from John Bandler (one page tip sheet)
- Bandler's Four Pillars of Cybersecurity
- The Three Priority Cybercrime threats to protect against, including:
- Introduction to Cybersecurity and Information Security
- Five Components for Policy Work
- Cybersecurity, Privacy, You, and Your Organization
- Cyberlaw
- Cyberlaw book
- Cyberlaw book resources
- Cybersecurity Laws and Regulations Part 1
- Cyber Insurance
- Risk
- Cybersecurity and Working from Home
- Cybersecurity book overview page
- Cybersecurity related forms you can use to inventory the information assets in your home or small organization (computer devices, data, accounts, network, etc.)
- Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Prevention (a comprehensive course outline, with extensive linked resources)
- Cybersecurity for attorneys (the evergreen version of this page, which is continually updated, and includes a short article at the front followed by a comprehensive list of CLE resources)
Longer articles by John about cybersecurity, law, and lawyers
- Attorneys on alert for cybersecurity threats: New York's new CLE training requirement, John Bandler, Reuters Legal News, July 19, 2023, hosted here and available at Reuters at
- A Day in the Life of an Attorney: The Cybersecurity, Technology, and Crime Risks We Face, John Bandler, New York State Bar Association Journal, July/August 2018, Vol 29 No 6,
- Cybercrime and Fraud Protection for your Home, Office, and Clients, John Bandler. American Bar Association GP SOLO magazine, Volume 34, Number 5, September/October 2017,
- Prepare for and Plan Against a Cyberattack, John Bandler, American Bar Association Journal, July 2018,
- Network Cybersecurity in Your Home and Office, John Bandler, American Bar Association GP SOLO Magazine, March/April 2018, Vol 35 No. 2,
- Lawyers, Drugs and Money: AML in Popular Media, John Bandler, ACAMS Today, March 20, 2018, Vol 17 No. 2,
- The Cybercrime Scheme That Attacks Email Accounts and Your Bank Accounts, John Bandler, Huffington Post, August 3, 2017,, hosted here too.
ABA Formal Opinions
- ABA Formal Opinion 477R (revised May 22, 2017), Securing Communication of Protected Client Information.
- ABA Formal Opinion 483 (October 17, 2018), Lawyers’ Obligations After an Electronic Data Breach or Cyberattack.
- ABA Formal Opinion 498 (March 10, 2021), Virtual Practice.
NYS Rules of Professional Conduct for Attorneys
The NYS Rules of Professional Conduct for Attorneys is found in the New York Code of Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Title 22 (Judiciary) Part 1200 (Rules of Professional Conduct). Or, for short, 22 NYCRR 1200. Relevant are portions on the attorney duties of confidentiality, competence and more. You can find the rules here:
- NYS Rules of Professional Conduct on Westlaw (public access)
- NYS Rules of Professional Conduct via NYSBA with comments as amended through 8/2/2022
- New York State Bar Association (NYSBA),
- NYS Courts - Legacy versions are readily available, individual orders are too, so this is not as helpful
NYS newish cybersecurity CLE requirement (order signed 6/10/2022, effective 1/1/2023 and 7/1/2023)
Attorneys admitted in NYS now must earn CLE in cybersecurity
- NYS Courts Categories of CLE Credit as Defined in the New York State CLE Program Rules 22 NYCRR 1500.2(c)-(h),
- NYS Courts FAQs on Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection,
- NYS Courts Guidance Relating to the New Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection Category of CLE Credit,
- Joint Order of the Judicial Departments of the Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court adding a cybersecurity, privacy, and data protection CLE requirement amending Title 22 NYCRR 1500.2 et seq. (and sequence) at this link (too messy to spell out)
NYSBA's 2020 recommendation about cybersecurity training (their recommendation became a rule, so just see the rule above)
- NYSBA Recommends Cybersecurity CLE Requirement (2020),
- NYSBA Report recommending cybersecurity CLE,
Learn more about cyber law
- See about my new book on cyberlaw.
- See all my research and references, without even having to buy the book.
- Learn about the CIPP/US certification and my course on privacy and cybersecurity law.
John's CLEs for attorneys on cybersecurity
In 2017 my first book was published, Cybersecurity for the Home and Office, The Lawyer's Guide to Taking Charge of Your Own Information Security, from the American Bar Association (ABA).
Since then I have been providing continuing legal education (CLE) to attorneys about securing their information assets.
Some are afraid of technology and cybersecurity but should not be. It is a learning process, everyone can learn and improve.
About Pace and this CLE
2025 will mark the fifth annual Cinco de Mayo presentation of this cybersecurity and ethics CLE.
We led the way, and then cybersecurity CLE became a NYS requirement.
I graduated from Pace University's law school in 2002 and now it is officially called The Elisabeth Haub School of Law. As an adjunct I teach one course per year at the law school and one at the Seidenberg school of Computer Science and Information Systems (CSIS).
Some enterprising folks at the law school (Lori Kanner) started these periodic free CLE webinars which provide a tremendous benefit for Pace Law Alumni -- and this presentation is a part of that. It is a pleasure to be a part of this program and to make this contribution to the Pace community.
Space permitting, attorneys outside the Pace community can attend, and a small fee is required to help cover the administrative costs of the CLE processing and to better Pace.
This presentation is geared for lawyers and law firms, to comply with the cybersecurity CLE requirements. What is the difference between cybersecurity for lawyers and cybersecurity for others? We will cover those nuances, but mostly good cybersecurity principles apply to all.
To explore more of this site:
This page is hosted at, copyright John Bandler all rights reserved.
This is a page created for a specific CLE event, and after the event is over, this page will not be updated, so see Cybersecurity for attorneys.
Posted 3/02/2025 (building on prior years' work). Updated 03/11/2025.