Cybersecurity for Lawyers: Secure Yourself, Your Firm, and Clients (2024 CLE for TRTCLE)
This was a landing page for my live CLE program throughout 2024, hosted by TRTCLE, and contains CLE materials helpful for any attorney.
** This page will not be updated, so please see Cybersecurity for attorneys **
My courses ran throughout 2024, a monthly live presentation on select Fridays from 3pm to 4pm Eastern Time via webinar.
I presented valuable knowledge about cybersecurity, law, and professional responsibilities for attorneys, and they earned 1 CLE credit.
- Next live course with TRT:
- None, that's it! It has been a great experience doing these recurring live CLEs, but it is time to try something else.
CLE Materials included
- My speaker bio
- Speaker bio at TRT CLE,
- Read About me on this site
- An 18 page course materials document is available for attendees via the TRTCLE platform.
- Cybersecurity Tips from John Bandler (one page tip sheet)
- Bandler's Four Pillars of Cybersecurity
- The Three Priority Cybercrime threats to protect against, including:
- Cybercrime
- Identity theft
- Technology basics
- Introduction to Cybersecurity and Information Security
- Risk
- Cyber Insurance
- Cybersecurity Laws and Regulations Part 1
- Cybersecurity Laws and Regulations Part 2
- Privacy
- Five Components for Policy Work
- Three Platforms to Connect (for compliance)
- Four Platforms to Connect (adding mission and business needs)
- Policy Checklist
- External Guidance
- Cybersecurity, Privacy, You, and Your Organization
- Cybersecurity and Working from Home
- Books
- Cybersecurity Policy (Free Version)
- Cybersecurity related asset inventory forms you can use to inventory the information assets in your home or small organization (computer devices, data, accounts, network, etc.)
- Incident response
- Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Prevention (a comprehensive course outline, with extensive linked resources)
- Cybersecurity for attorneys (a short article followed by all CLE resources - including the CLE resources linked to here)
Externally published articles by John about cybersecurity, law, and lawyers
- Attorneys on alert for cybersecurity threats: New York's new CLE training requirement, John Bandler, Reuters Legal News, July 19, 2023, hosted here and available at Reuters at
- A Day in the Life of an Attorney: The Cybersecurity, Technology, and Crime Risks We Face, John Bandler, New York State Bar Association Journal, July/August 2018, Vol 29 No 6,
- Cybercrime and Fraud Protection for your Home, Office, and Clients, John Bandler. American Bar Association GP SOLO magazine, Volume 34, Number 5, September/October 2017,
- Prepare for and Plan Against a Cyberattack, John Bandler, American Bar Association Journal, July 2018,
- Network Cybersecurity in Your Home and Office, John Bandler, American Bar Association GP SOLO Magazine, March/April 2018, Vol 35 No. 2,
- Lawyers, Drugs and Money: AML in Popular Media, John Bandler, ACAMS Today, March 20, 2018, Vol 17 No. 2,
- The Cybercrime Scheme That Attacks Email Accounts and Your Bank Accounts, John Bandler, Huffington Post, August 3, 2017,, hosted here too.
ABA Model Rules
ABA Formal Opinions
- ABA Formal Opinion 477R (revised May 22, 2017), Securing Communication of Protected Client Information.
- ABA Formal Opinion 483 (October 17, 2018), Lawyers’ Obligations After an Electronic Data Breach or Cyberattack.
- ABA Formal Opinion 498 (March 10, 2021), Virtual Practice.
NYS Rules of Professional Conduct for Attorneys
The NYS Rules of Professional Conduct for Attorneys is found in the New York Code of Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Title 22 (Judiciary) Part 1200 (Rules of Professional Conduct). Or, for short, 22 NYCRR 1200. Relevant are portions on the attorney duties of confidentiality, competence and more. You can find the rules here:
- NYS Rules of Professional Conduct on Westlaw (public access)
- NYS Rules of Professional Conduct via NYSBA with comments as amended through 8/2/2022
- New York State Bar Association (NYSBA),
- NYS Courts - Legacy versions are readily available, individual orders are too, so this is not as helpful
NYS cybersecurity CLE requirement (order signed 6/10/2022, effective 1/1/2023 and 7/1/2023)
Attorneys admitted in NYS now must earn CLE in cybersecurity
- NYS Courts Categories of CLE Credit as Defined in the New York State CLE Program Rules 22 NYCRR 1500.2(c)-(h),
- NYS Courts FAQs on Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection,
- NYS Courts Guidance Relating to the New Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection Category of CLE Credit,
- Joint Order of the Judicial Departments of the Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court adding a cybersecurity, privacy, and data protection CLE requirement amending Title 22 NYCRR 1500.2 et seq. (and sequence) at this link (too messy to spell out)
NYSBA's 2020 recommendation about cybersecurity training (their recommendation became a rule, so just see the rule above)
- NYSBA Recommends Cybersecurity CLE Requirement (2020),
- NYSBA Report recommending cybersecurity CLE,
To explore more of this site:
John's CLEs for attorneys on cybersecurity
In 2017 my first book was published, Cybersecurity for the Home and Office, The Lawyer's Guide to Taking Charge of Your Own Information Security, from the American Bar Association (ABA).
Since then I have been providing continuing legal education (CLE) to attorneys about securing their information assets.
Some are afraid of technology and cybersecurity but should not be. It is a learning process and everyone can learn and improve.
See my main page on cybersecurity for attorneys.
TRTCLE offers online continuing legal education for attorneys in all U.S. states, districts and territories.
If you enrolled in my CLE course with TRTCLE, that will be a relationship between you and them, governed by their terms of use and service. Of course I want that experience to be excellent, so feel free to send me a note to let me know how it went for you.
My author page at TRTCLE was
This page is hosted at, copyright John Bandler all rights reserved.
Page created 6/15/2023 (building on prior years' work). Updated 12/15/2024. This page will not be updated in the future, please see Cybersecurity for attorneys
I will not continue these CLEs after 2024, I'm glad I did it, but it is not something to continue at this point.