Pace Law, Law 606B Cybercrime and Cybersecurity

Fall 2024

Weekly topics and reading

Much reading is from the book "Cybercrime Investigations: A Comprehensive Resource for Everyone". Other readings are from my website articles (generally a simpler read, but also with extensive references). Other readings are from statutes and cases.


The weekly reading links are laid out below. Do the reading before class meets so you can participate, share, and learn more. The syllabus and LMS are your main course resources for course instructions and requirements. This page is provided as a convenience.

Week 0 and throughout - Course Materials

Important course materials and resources include:

Week 1 - Course introduction - Cybercrime introduced


  • Introduction to course
  • Syllabus review
  • Introduction of assignment on paper topic
  • The evolution of cybercrime, from fun to profit
  • The cybercrime economy
  • Priority cybercrime threats

Reading (read before class, skim any basic level materials which you have already mastered)

Reminder: An assignment and discussion this week

Week 2 - Computers, networks, internet, digital forensics, cybersecurity


  • Computers, network, internet, digital forensics
  • Cybersecurity & information security principles & practices
  • Discuss final paper, and the topic assignment

Reading (read before class)

Week 3 - Substantive criminal cyber law, financial crimes, criminal speech


  • Criminal statutes applicable to cybercrime
  • Financial crimes
  • Criminal speech (harassment/stalking, etc.) vs. protected speech
  • Reminder on paper topic assignment

Reading (read before class)

Reminder: Paper topic assignment due Monday after class 3

Week 4 - Cybercrime investigations - the procedure - Nine Tools


  • Laws for gathering evidence of cybercrime by government
    • Privacy/consent, Nine tools, ECPA, CLOUD Act, outside of state/country
  • Review of submitted paper topic assignment, prep for paper outline assignment

Reading (read before class)

  • Chapter 7 The Law Enforcement Legal Toolkit for Investigating Cybercrime: Laws for Gathering Criminal Cyber Evidence (pp 110-135)
  • SKIM U.S. Department of Justice reference materials
  • Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) (procedural provisions)
    • See citations/links for prior week and spend 15 minutes finding and reading those procedural sections

Week 5 - Nation-state cyber conflict and influence


  • Nation state cyber conflict
  • Cyber investigations linked to nation states or terrorists
  • Propaganda, disinformation operations, and false conspiracy theories online
  • Discuss paper outline assignment

Reading (read before class)

Week 6 - Civil cyber laws, breach notification, cybersecurity laws, privacy


  • Civil laws and regulations relevant to cybercrime and cybersecurity
  • Data disposal
  • Data breach notification
  • Cybersecurity
  • Privacy
  • Discuss paper outline assignment

Reading (read before class)

Reminder: Paper outline assignment due Monday after class 6

Week 7 - Cybercrime investigations - three sectors/perspectives


  • Three perspectives of a cybercrime investigation
  • General investigation methods
  • Attorneys could be working from any perspective of a cybercrime investigation

Reading (read before class)

  • Chapter 10, Embarking on a Cybercrime Investigation: The Three Perspectives and Key Areas of Focus (pp 173-178)
  • Chapter 11, General Investigation Methods: Organization, Open Source, Records, and Email (pp 179-200)

Week 8 - Private entity investigations, law enforcement's investigation part 1


  • Private entity cybercrime investigation
  • Law enforcement’s cybercrime investigation (part 1)

Reading (read before class)

  • Chapter 12, The Private Entity's Cybercrime Investigation (pp 201-219)
  • Chapter 13, Law Enforcement’s Cybercrime Investigation (pp 220-243)

Week 9 - Law enforcement's investigation part 2


  • Law enforcement’s cybercrime investigation (part 2)
  • Regulator’s investigation

Reading (read before class)

  • Refresh re: Chapter 13 Law Enforcement’s Cybercrime Investigation
  • Chapter 14 The Regulator’s Investigation (pp 245-251)

Reminder: Recorded presentation due Monday after class 9

Week 10 - Financial investigation, money laundering, virtual currency, cryptocurrency, attribution


  • Financial investigation
  • Money laundering
  • Virtual currency
  • Attribution

Reading (read before class)

Week 11 - Apprehension, litigation


  • Apprehending cybercriminals
  • Criminal litigation, including the step-by-step evidence admission method
  • Civil litigation

Reading (read before class)

  • Chapter 17 Apprehending the Suspect and the Investigation that Follows (pp 285-292)
  • Chapter 18 Criminal litigation (pp 295-314)
  • Chapter 19 Civil Litigation (pp 315-323)
  • Final Paper Assignment,

Week 12 - Attorney ethical duties for cybersecurity


  • Attorney ethical duties regarding cybersecurity
  • Cybersecurity revisited

Reading (read before class)

Reminder: Final paper due Monday after class 12

Week 13 (last week) - Addressing cybercrime properly, cyber compliance, catch-up, wrap up


  • Addressing cybercrime properly
  • Cyberlaw compliance
  • Course catch-up, wrap-up and review

Reading (read before class)


Remember to consult the course syllabus and learning management system (LMS).

About the book

This page is hosted at, copyright John Bandler, all rights reserved.

Originally posted 8/16/2024.  Updated 8/27/2024.