Articles by John Bandler
I have written articles that are externally published and many for this site. Main topics include:
- Cybersecurity
- Cybercrime
- Privacy
- Polices and procedures
- Virtual currency (digital currency and cryptocurrency)
- Law
- More.
I write these various articles for reading by anyone to get reliable information and for me to share my research, thoughts, and perspective. They can be helpful for:
- Clients and potential clients
- Students of mine (whether undergraduate, graduate, law school, or other learning platform)
- Attendees at a speaking engagement or training
- Anyone seeking reliable information
Many articles on this site provide introductory information to a wide audience. It is nice to have this site to publish when I want, improve it, and have it available for my own reference, for students, clients, and you.
I once tried to keep this page fully updated but that is hard to do.
Recently, my external writing is my books, and a column every two months for Reuters (see a compilation of them).
If you don't see an article listed below, try <control><F> to find it on the page, or try my site navigation page.
Cybersecurity, cybercrime, privacy, technology
- Cybersecurity Tips from John Bandler (single page tip sheet)
- Introduction to Cybersecurity and Information Security
- Bandler's Four Pillars of Cybersecurity
- Cybersecurity forms for the home or small office
- The Three Priority Cybercrime Threats
- Cybercrime Frauds Involving Email and Funds Transfers (Email based funds transfer frauds, like business email compromise (BEC) and CEO fraud)
- Ransomware
- Data Breaches
- Cybersecurity Laws and Regulations Part 1 (general legal overview)
- Cybersecurity Laws and Regulations Part 2 (listing and brief summary of some laws and regulations)
- Cybersecurity Frameworks and Guidance
- Cybersecurity for the Home and Office (page about my first book and its main principles)
- Cybercrime Investigations (page about my second book)
- The Need for Improved Cybercrime Investigations: Why We Wrote This Book
- Cybersecurity, Privacy, You, and Your Organization
- New York Cybersecurity Requirements and the SHIELD Act
- Privacy, You, Your Organization, and the New NIST Privacy Framework
- Cybersecurity and Working from Home
- Technology at Home with Your Family During the Coronavirus Crisis
- Sextortion phishing- a type of cybercrime extortion fraud
- Virtual currency (e.g. cryptocurrency or virtual assets and "value that substitutes for currency")
- Free Starter Cybersecurity Policy
- Cybersecurity things to know
- Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Prevention
- Cybersecurity for attorneys
Governance and management of information assets and organizations
- Five Components for Policy Work
- Bandler's Three Platforms to Connect
- Bandler's Fourth Platform to Connect
- Policies and Procedures
- Internal Rules
- Internal Rules Planning
- Internal Rules Building
- ENTER: Five Steps for Governance Documents
- Policies, Procedures, and Governance of an Organization
- Policies and Procedures Book
Law (Introductory)
- Law
- Cyberlaw (and see the above section)
- Introduction to Law (an outline)
- U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights
- Free Speech, the First Amendment, and Social Media (2)
- Negligence Law
- Contract Law
- Business Basics and Law
- Intellectual Property Law (part 1 of a five part series)
- Premises Liability Law
My teaching at formal academic institutions
- Course Resources (this is the main page for students in courses I teach at undergraduate, graduate, and law school)
- Things to know
- Students, Teaching, and Learning
- How to Learn and Study
- How to Write a Paper
- How to Take an Exam
- Final paper project (overview)
- Paper topic assignment
- Paper outline assignment
- Paper presentation assignment (present it to the class virtually via the discussion feature of the learning management system)
- Final paper assignment
Miscellaneous topics
- Building Better Consumers and Voters
- Tree and Plant Care
- Invasive Plants
- Chinese Seeds, Invasive Plants, and Sowing Opportunity
- Food Allergies
See all pages on the site including categories and tags
Externally published articles sorted by publication date
See all my Reuters articles compiled here
Most of the below links will take you to an external site)
- The Proposed UN Cybercrime Treaty and a Path Forward, John Bandler, New York Law Journal and, May 25, 2023, (paywall) and hosted here
- Solving the cybercrime problem, John Bandler, Reuters, March 21, 2023, and hosted here
- Cybersecurity Frameworks and the Four Pillars of Cybersecurity, John Bandler, Westchester & Fairfield County Business Journals, February 7, 2023,
- Cryptocurrency past is prologue: before and after FTX, John Bandler, Reuters Legal News, January 17, 2023, on Reuters at, and hosted here
- Federal privacy and cybersecurity enforcement — an overview, InfoSec Institue, John Bandler, January 30, 2023
- U.S. privacy and cybersecurity laws — an overview, John Bandler, Infosec Institute, September 20, 2022,
- Your company’s policies and the law, John Bandler, Westchester & Fairfield County Business Journals, September 12, 2022,
- How to learn and pass your next certification exam, John Bandler, Infosec Institute, July 21, 2022,
- Privacy, you, and your business, John Bandler, Westchester & Fairfield County Business Journals, June 6, 2022,
- How foundations of U.S. law apply to information security, John Bandler, Infosec Institute, May 31, 2022,
- Why information security professionals should learn about law, John Bandler, Infosec Institute, May 5, 2022,
- Email based cybercrime thefts, John Bandler, Westchester & Fairfield County Business Journals, April 11, 2022,
- Data breaches and your business, John Bandler, Westchester & Fairfield County Business Journals, February 16, 2022,
- CIPP/US: 5 things to know about privacy and cybersecurity law, John Bandler, InfoSec, February 2, 2022,
- Privacy And You: Take A Step Forward On Data Privacy Day, John Bandler,, January 31, 2022,
- Ransomware and your business, by John Bandler, Westchester & Fairfield County Business Journals, November 18 2021,
- An Overview of Cybersecurity Laws Affecting Businesses in New York and Connecticut, by John Bandler, published by Westchester & Fairfield County Business Journals, August 18, 2021,
- The Need for Improved Cybercrime Investigations: Why We Wrote This Book, by John Bandler and Antonia Merzon, published by T&F, June 19, 2020, and also hosted on this website.
- A Call for Better Cybercrime Investigation, by John Bandler and Antonia Merzon, published by ACAMSToday, March 2020,
- The Cybersecurity Article to Read Now, by John Bandler, published by, October 23, 2018,
- After the Equifax data breach: Cybersecurity and identity theft protection for financial institutions and their customers, by John Bandler, published by ACAMS Today, September 18, 2018, Vol 17 No 4,
- Money Laundering Investigations, by John Bandler, an article in the Encyclopedia of Security and Emergency Management (Springer), August 2018 (DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-69891-5_26-1). Available behind a subscription-wall at Cite as: Bandler J.T. (2018) Investigations: Money Laundering. In: Shapiro L., Maras MH. (eds) Encyclopedia of Security and Emergency Management. Springer, Cham.
- A Day in the Life of an Attorney: The Cybersecurity, Technology, and Crime Risks We Face, by John Bandler, published by the New York State Bar Association Journal, July/August 2018, Vol 29 No 6. Now hosted on this website.
- Prepare for and plan against a cyberattack, by John Bandler, published by the American Bar Association Journal, July 2018.
- Lawyers, Drugs and Money: AML in Popular Media, by John Bandler, published by ACAMS Today, March 20, 2018, Vol 17 No. 2.
- Network Cybersecurity in Your Home and Office, by John Bandler, published by the American Bar Association GP SOLO Magazine, March/April 2018, Vol 35 No. 2. Hosted and reproduced here with permission from the ABA, Copyright 2018 ABA with all rights reserved by the ABA. The original article is behind a paywall at the ABA site.
- Cybersecurity, Cybercrime, And Our Government, by John Bandler, published October 17, 2017, in the Huffington Post and also hosted here.
- Cybercrime and Fraud Protection for your Home, Office, and Clients, by John Bandler. Published in the American Bar Association's GP SOLO magazine, Volume 34, Number 5, September/October 2017. The article is hosted and reproduced here on this website with permission from the ABA, Copyright 2017 ABA with all rights reserved by the ABA. The original article is behind a paywall at the ABA here.
- Cybersecurity for the Home and Office: A Book Preview by the Author, by John Bandler, published August 2017 by the ABA GP SOLO eReport, and also hosted here.
- The Cybercrime Scheme That Attacks Email Accounts And Your Bank Accounts, by John Bandler, published August 3, 2017, in the Huffington Post.
- Laptop Travel Restrictions, Your Security, And Your Cybersecurity, by John Bandler, published June 29, 2017, in the Huffington Post.
- The Administration’s Treatment Of Law Enforcement Professionals And The Criminal Justice System Is Alarming, by John Bandler, published June 16, 2017, in the Huffington Post
- Poor Cybersecurity Choices Spawned Today’s Current Events, by John Bandler, published June 5, 2017 in the Huffington Post, available at
- Stemming the Flow of Cybercrime Payments and Money Laundering, by John Bandler, published in ACAMS TODAY (Law Enforcement Edition), June-August 2017, Vol. 16 No 3, available at
- Cybercrime and Digital Currency, by John Bandler, Published in the ABA Information Law Journal, Autumn 2016, Volume 7, Issue 4, no longer available through the ABA site but available here.
- Dirty Digital Dollars, by John Bandler, published in Fraud Magazine, a publication of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, July/August 2016, available through a member-wall at the ACFE site at, Hosted at this website here.
- Marathon Marine: Col. James L. Fowler, by John Bandler, published in Leatherneck - Magazine of The Marines, October 2016, Vol 99, Issue 10, hosted here at, or download the full issue from Leatherneck Magazine at
Some of my articles are also hosted at but won't be as current, lack the references, and might not be formatted as well.
I write for external publishers, and I might have an author page there, such as:
- Reuters,
- Westchester & Fairfield (Westfair) Business Journals (WBJ),
- Infosec online courses author page,
- Infosec blogs author page,
While I try to keep this page and most articles updated that is a process. Some articles (including externally published articles) do not get updated at all, laws and circumstances change, and time is limited. None of these articles are legal or consulting advice and nothing is tailored to your circumstances. Some express my opinion and personal perspective.
This page is hosted at Copyright John Bandler, all rights reserved.
Updated 3/26/2025 but not fully current with published articles.